The Bible Calls It Discipleship

The bible calls it discipleship.

Sometimes, the church calls it leadership development.

And some call it coaching.


No matter what you call it, the pattern of Christ’s ministry, and His commission to the church, was to invest in others to enable them to be more like Christ Himself. 


We are to go into all the world and make disciples. 


However, I’ve seen it in my churches and churches everywhere.  Discipleship, leadership development, and coaching is a weakness.  As a result, church growth is hindered.  It makes sense.  If we are struggling to fulfill the Great Commission, we are going to struggle to grow spiritually and numerically.


But all of this is about reaching out for help and investing in others. 


That is part of the mission of Church Training Partners.  We want to invest in others, disciple, develop, and coach.


Even if we never enter into a formal coaching relationship, we are eager to help out.  Just email us or call us, and we will do everything we can to help out.  We are happy to be listening and sympathetic ears.


If we can help in any way, just let us know.


We are praying for you.


Gordon Duncan



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